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God is Faithful!

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, Simplify Ministries

As we moved on Saturday, I found a coin hidden underneath a piece of furniture along with all of the dust bunnies and crumbs that haven’t been cleaned as of recently. It is a cheap plastic coin given as a prize to one of the boys at church, no doubt. It says, “God is faithful,” and has the scripture 1 Corinthians 10:13 on the other side. I was reminded of God’s faithfulness during this very intense season.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

The word temptation in this scripture is an interesting study. It is not just talking of external temptation to sin, as we might think in the obvious sense of someone enticing us to forsake God’s commandments. It actually means “an experiment, attempt, trial, proving.” (Strong’s STRONGS G3986, πειρασμός peirasmós).  

The word temptation is the same word used to describe when Jesus was “tempted” in the wilderness by Satan. This word is descriptive “of the temptation by which the devil sought to divert Jesus the Messiah from his divine errand” (The Outline of Biblical Usage via Blue Letter Bible).

Years ago, after we first moved to France, we suddenly realized we must leave and go back to England for a period of time due to our visas. As soon as we entered English speaking territory again, I realized that I desperately needed the reprieve from French culture and language not-so-much learning. This scripture came alive, as I understood that God, in his sovereignty, had provided a way for us to escape the temptation to entirely quit our mission’s life and call by providing a way of escape from the pressure from this new intense way of living. I didn’t realize until we came out from underneath the pressure of living in France for that first season, but we were about to quit. We were under such pressure to find our way, connect with the right people, figure out our purpose in the land, not-to-mention learn the language and nuances of their culture that if we had stayed another week or even day we might have walked away all together. It was in this moment of reprieve that I saw God’s gracious ability to always provide a way for us to endure our calling and to not quit the grace of God on our lives. I have seen this time and again through the years since, as he has provided that rest and way out at just the right moment.

I believe that this is perhaps the greatest temptation: to quit and thereby to settle for less than God’s perfect will in and through us. Just as Jesus was tested in the wilderness, we will be tempted to quit whatever God has commissioned us to do in life. God is letting us know through this scripture that, not only do trials test our commitment to him and the purpose for our lives, he is faithful to provide a way out of our trials and temptation. When we are tempted to quit, he gives us the ability and the pathway to stay.

The past few weeks/months leading up to this move were without a doubt a test. Because of our past experiences in missions and ministry, I came to quickly recognize what was taking place and began to take a stand against the devils plans. The enemy reared his head and roared his loudest over our family, our finances, and our health. “YOU CAN’T STAY!!”  He seemed to be shouting. But God, in his infinite mercy, provided a way of escape! He showed us the way forward by providing wise counsel, strategies from above, medical care, many helpful hands, and opening doors into the next season. We have stayed and stood in our call once again purely by his grace. As we walked with him by faith through the storm which tried us so fervently, we clung to the peace that only he could provide. We clung to the promise that he would make a way forward and carry us to the other side. And that, indeed, he did.