Simplified Resources

Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries

To help the body of Christ grow.

Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries

Support the work of the ministry

Our simplified resources help believers and facilitate ministry through the teaching and preaching of the transformational Word of God.

Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries
Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries

Our aim is to Harvest Harvesters

We supply a proven collection of simplified resources to transform English and French communities through
  • Personal Evangelism
  • Personal Transformation
  • Individuals taking their place in the body of Christ
Our mission is to help ministers and churches fulfil God’s plans using simplified resources that transform for both short-term and long-term impact, encourage personal transformation and evangelism, and help people to take their place in the harvest, bringing multiplication.
Evangelism Training: Simplify Soul Winning book and seminar

Simplify Soul Winning was birthed from a heartfelt desire to see the Church today reaching the world around them in one-on-one, Holy Spirit led evangelism in their daily lives. In a western culture where everything is so hurried, the simplicity of this gospel message is oftentimes completely lost.

Through sharing the biblical truths of how to BE LED, BE BOLD, BE COMPASSIONATE, BE YOURSELF, and BE PREPARED, Cara believes you will be inspired and infused with courage to go out and put these principles into practice to bring in the great harvest of souls all around you! So herein lies the challenge of this book: will you take the message of Christ’s love to a lost and hurting world as God leads you today?

Through the model of Simplify Soul Winning, you can be equipped with the tools you need to better reach the harvest for the Kingdom of Heaven. The course has been used internationally, both in person and online, and has brought transformation in the lives of many people. The Simplify Soul Winning book is available and can be used as a teaching resource or read at an individual level.

For maximum impact, Simplify Soul Winning seminars are done in six sessions, ideally over the course of a weekend, beginning with teaching on Friday night and Saturday morning. This is followed by practical application on Saturday afternoon and completed with a final meeting together Saturday evening to share testimonies on just how simple it is to win souls. Please contact us here to schedule a Simplify Soul Winning Seminar for your Church or group.

Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries
Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries

Bit by Bit is a 31-day devotional that will help you reflect on and evaluate your own spiritual journey. Cara invites you to join her on this quest and see God make Himself known in the details of your life.

Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries

 A new Bible reading system that can unlock the transformational power of mind renewal!

Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries

Sowing the Word: A Simple Word

We teach the transformational Word of God in churches, online and as we travel throughout France and the USA.

Frustration comes with a lack of growth in life and ministry. When we become apathetic in our walk with the Lord, we place limitations on what He can achieve through our lives. As it is for a runner, we overcome and grow in our personal fitness and stamina through activity rather than inactivity. It’s all about doing what is required to change our running form.

Simplified Ministries has the heart to enable our friends and partners with teaching and practical tips that include implementation from the Word of God to inspire God’s people. This will help extend your reach into your local community and the world for Christ.

Timely messages on the subjects of spiritual growth and transformation both through our podcast, books, blog posts and in person teaching and ministry. Please get in touch if you would like us to come and teach at your church.

Being busy is no excuse for not growing in the Word of God. The perfect accompaniment to a busy life is the Simplified Ministries Podcast for teaching in the area of personal transformation. Listen in here.

Mentoring and Training

With twenty-six years of ministry experience in pastoring and planting churches, and delivering hands on missionary training in Bible Schools, Brian and Cara come alongside others called to plant and pastor churches. By bringing a deeper understanding of the Word of God and of the ministry skills necessary for furthering His Kingdom, Brian and Cara work with church leaders to build the concept of the modern, evangelical church in France.

‘Simplify Ministry’ resources help you to see fruit in your life and ministry through;
  • Teaching and training towards spiritual growth for French and English speakers
  • Evangelism in French and English communities
  • Establishment of churches in communities in France and beyond
See transformation in your life and take your ministry to the next level. Are you ready to help your congregation experience personal growth, take part in evangelism, and start church planting? Please get in touch. Together we can reach the nation of France!
Simplify Soul Winning, Simplify Ministries


Good News: God is NOT mad at you. He loves you and sent His son, Jesus’ Christ, to die for your sins so that you might live a wonderful life with Him…both now and in eternity!

What’s more? Salvation is God’s free gift to you! You do not have to work hard enough, pray hard enough, or go to church enough. In other words, NOTHING you can do can get you into Heaven EXCEPT for this one thing: “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)

Pray this Prayer Out Loud Today: Lord Jesus, I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead, and I say right now that YOU ARE LORD! Thank you for forgiving me of all my sins and making me a new person in you today!



So, you’ve received Jesus as your Lord, but you’ve MESSED UP! Haven’t we all been there at one time or another? It is so important that you understand God’s forgiveness. 1 John 4:9 states, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This statement was written to believers, which tells me it is possible to MESS UP and to GET RIGHT WITH GOD once again. Thank you, Jesus! You do not have to go around feeling condemned for your mistakes. There is no condemnation toward you if you are walking after the Spirit and not after the flesh (Romans 8:1).

Pray this prayer, today, to GET RIGHT WITH GOD: Lord, I bring the mistakes I’ve made to you. I ask that you forgive me of my sin, and I thank you that you cleanse me of it according to 1John 4:9. Thank you that I am moving on with you and the things of the Spirit fresh and new today! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Holy Spirit

God desires to fill you with His Holy Spirit. We believe this is a separate experience to the New Birth and is for every believer. Once filled with God’s Holy Spirit, you will be able to be the witness God has called you to be and have POWER to overcome in this World.

Pray this prayer right now: God, I desire all of you that there is. I ask now that you fill me to OVERFLOWING with your precious Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues today. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

Now, receive by faith the gift of His Holy Spirit, and let Him take you to greater levels in Him than ever before!


If you prayed any of these prayers, we encourage you to click on the links below to share your experience with us and to find a good church for you to grow in the things of God right away!